Co-Founder Story
Even before becoming a professional matchmaker, Bond’s co-founder, Charlotte Ball, had a proven track record of brokering matches between friends and acquaintances. She felt that there is no better reward than seeing friends in happy and loving relationships with their soulmates.
It is this passion for connecting people, the gift of recognising compatibility, and the desire to bring fun into dating that inspired Bond.
Empathy is at the heart of Charlotte’s approach. We understand that vulnerability and courage are integral parts of seeking a romantic partner. Our matchmakers provide ongoing support and encouragement, helping you navigate the emotional ups and downs of dating. This compassionate guidance can be a reassuring presence, giving you the strength to stay hopeful and open-hearted even when faced with setbacks or disappointments.
At Bond, we also believe in the intimacy of being understood. Our ethos is to treat our clients as we would our friends, building trust as our matchmakers get to know you personally before embarking on the search for your ideal partner.
We offer a safe, supportive, and effective way to find a meaningful connection and are a trusted ally for anyone looking to transform their love life and discover the joy of a true, lasting relationship.
We start every meeting with a handshake and end with a hug.